Sunday, May 10, 2009

Japanese are the real Politicians -.-

When you think about politics, the first thing that comes into your mind is government, right?! But Politics isn't just governmental issues, it is something much bigger, is something that you live with; you deal 24/7. Every Human being is a politician, but in differents ways...

In Japan, in my opnion, people are very politic, they need to be in one way or in another, to "survive" in their society. Japanese society are really stricted , racism, conservative, traditional and prejuce. The Japanese people can't be theimselfs for completely, they always need care about what their image in the society; They always need to measure their actions, control their emotions, their feelings, their desires, their look, their personalities so people wouldn't jugde them bad.

Here, people need to be politicians when they are in public, or with their friends or in their jobs, in their schools and also in their home and with their families. But why is this happens here?! For many reasons, but the cultural is the most strong factor of these happening. Their expectation from the other are to high and the presure are too big and also because the society here isn't that liberal as in other countries, the traditions here are really strong and still alive.

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